Transform Your Life with
Actionable Steps

Information gives us the awareness and action creates the change!

Are you ready to choose an amazing life – to
choose a life that is radically alive!!

I want to share this with YOU!!

I Say YES to Taking Action!

Information is not transformation. ACTION is what CREATES NEW LIFE!!!

At the end of this course you will able to use five key actions developed by Dr. Lisa to move from understanding your thoughts and life desires into taking action to create the life you want. Dr. Lisa outlines for you how to move beyond a vision of your life and into a living reality.

What's Included

  •  A 7 module course from Dr. Lisa to work on at your own pace.
  •  PDF worksheet handouts for each module.
  •  Questions & Comments section after each module to ask your questions.
  •  An introduction into Dr. Lisa's Creation Station™

Join me Into Action --- let’s do it together!

This is an easy choice! I am in

Module 1

Dr. Lisa starts your journey through teaching you how to command.  This is commanding your life, you're living, your future, your desire, what you want. In order to live in this reality, as someone who wants something, and is gonna make it happen, you have to have that energy of command.

Module 2

Demand of yourself that you will do whatever it takes to create the change, you'll commit to that change no matter what.

Module 3

Collaborate with the universe to help you make that change. Request is based on what brings you joy, what inspires you to act, and it's from your heart to the universe. Remember that a request is made with faith that what you want will happen.

Module 4

What steps can you take in your action plan? It's time for you to put your plan into action. It's time to bring your A-game!

Module 5

Expressing gratitude for the changes in your life. You express gratitude before it occurs, as it's occurring, whether you know it's occurring or not. And whether it does occur or does not occur in your expected timeframe, be grateful for everything that happens

Module 6

Get inspired by Rochelle's story.  She's a hard worker who's helped support her family, denying herself many luxuries. They've been through some scary financially hard times. Now things are better and her family is back on its feet. Listen to how she took and applied this Into Action course to her own life.


Module 7

Dr. Lisa offers us some final words of encouragement and wisdom that she's gained from living her own life in this way, and through the coaching that she has done worldwide with others.

Take Action Now!!!
Dr Lisa Cooney Psychotherapist

Hi! I'm Dr. Lisa!

I know first hand how one small action can change the direction of your life.

I use my inherent skills, credentials, and experience with ACTION for quantum change that assists others to generate, create, and institute living the best life possible.

After uncovering the invisible cages of constrictions and limitations I had built around me, I developed a powerful technique The ROAR (Radically Orgasmic Alive Reality) Method®.

Through this, I was able to move beyond my fears, anxiety, addictions, repetitive patterns, abuse… and for once choose more of me!

This technique allowed me to be the “Hero In My Own Story.”

I created Into Action to get you into ACTION! so you can fully create your life.