Are you ready to change? 

This ThetaHealing™ Experience will guide you to let go of the beliefs that are stopping your Prosperity Possibilities.

3 days - 30 beliefs
Start manifesting your abundance now!

I say YES to the Prosperity Possibilities!

 The belief work is an important part of ThetaHealing. If you say YES, and you're congruent with your energetic YES to let the beliefs go, freedom and ease come easily in your ability to manifest abundance.


What's Included

  • A video guided meditation from Dr. Lisa daily for 3 days.
  • Let go of 30 beliefs that are blocking the manifestation of your Prosperity Possibilities.
  • Question & Comment section after each day to ask your questions.
This is an easy choice! I am in.

During this experience, you will let go of 30 beliefs, here are some of them:

  • I'm driven by the illusion of power
  • The more I make, the more I spend
  • Nobody wants me to be rich
  • I'm honest with myself
  • I know what it feels like to have my bills completely paid

Did any of these catch your attention? There are 25 more!

I choose to change all that and more!
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