
You've got to take care of your first.


If you're in the abusive situation and you're the one being abused, you're not going to have that pragmatic mind. You're going to have more of a trauma bond and post traumatic stress and stress in general.

And if there's kids involved you're thinking about money or where you're gonna live. You're thinking about clothes, school and who's going to know. You may still love the person or you hate them but you don't want to see something bad happen to them.

All of those things are normal, but you have to take care of you first. Especially if there's kids, because you're modeling to them what to do and what not to do. Watch the full video with Dr. Lisa on her YouTube channel.

There is never a good reason to stay in an abusive relationship.

You did nothing wrong. Ask for help and make a pragmatic plan.

  • Get a plan going and someone to manage it.
  • Have conversations with a professional or a family member you can trust, privately and confidentially.
  • Press the button and go.
  • You should take care of you first, especially if there are kids.
  • Continue in a plan of action that restores you.

More about my book Creating After Abuse Click Here

If you are looking to take a deep dive into your self limitations, you may find the ROAR® technique a contribution. You can take a self-paced, repeatable course that will walk you through each step and encourage you to shift into the freedom and choices to create a thriving life. To learn more Visit Here

Make sure to follow me on my other social media accounts for all of the latest updates! Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter.

Season Two Is Here!

Raw & Real with Dr. Lisa

Listen Here

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You've Got This!!! 🩷 just a #onedegreeshift is all it takes.