
RiseUp & REST

a woman relaxing on her couch

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RiseUp and ROAR® is a series full of 8 deep dives that will help you start moving beyond the limitations in your everyday life into a greater, radically alive life.

When my team told me that Episode 2 had a focus on Rise Up and Rest, I knew it was a BIG one!

People are EXHAUSTED, especially after the pandemic. And this episode turned out to be an energetic exercise - kind of a guided meditation - to help you rest as you require. Isn’t that cool?

Join me in this amazing episode called Rise up and Rest!

Do you have questions or topic suggestions? Send them to [email protected] and I’ll be happy to read them and use them for an upcoming episode!

-> Check out RiseUp and ROAR®: 

Season Two Is Here!

Raw & Real with Dr. Lisa

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For many years now, in classes all around the world, people have heard me say, Hi Body, Hi Body, Hi Body, from English to Spanish, to Portuguese, to Turkish and on and on. It's one of my favorite things when I visit another country. I like to learn that phrase in their language even before "where is the bathroom" 😂

On a more serious note, connecting with your body is very rewarding and often avoided. I am a thinker and getting into a routine with my body, my self and my creations took work for awhile and NOW, it's a morning routine that I just can't miss.

I created a 21-Day challenge where I share exactly what I do to Cultivate Energetic Presence with myself and I'm excited to share this with the world. It's available on my newest website, One Degree Shift Academy™.

You've Got This!!! 🩷 just a #onedegreeshift is all it takes.