Paralyzed in a One Degree Shift
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One Degree Shift® is a series focusing on how simple change can be if we focus on only a one degree shift. Not guns a blazing, one degree. One degree to shifting into healing your body so you can create your most radically alive life.
This is Episode 3 and I wanted to ask...
- Do you feel totally stuck or paralyzed?
- Are you in a state of overwhelm?
- Is every aspect of your life demanding your attention and you don’t know where to start?
Join me in this amazing episode to focus on how to move through paralysis or whatever is stopping you from choosing a one Degree Shift.
If you have questions or topic suggestions you can end them to [email protected] and I’ll be happy to read them and use them for an upcoming episode!
Season Two Is Here!
Raw & Real with Dr. Lisa
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