
What Is The Invisible Cage?


Many of you have heard of the invisible cage and The ROAR Method®, also referred to as the ROAR Technique™. 

Over the last few decades, Dr. Lisa has been a driving force to eradicate abuse on the planet through the study of many different techniques and the tools of several modalities. She's also coined the phrase, "My Special Sauce" to give some form of explanation to what it is she does with clients and the elements of her creation, The ROAR Method®.

This clip from a past class is a tribute to her own story and the changes she has made for herself.

To experience ROAR® for yourself, check out Embracing Your ROAR®, a self-paced deep dive into The ROAR Method®.

Watch the full video on YouTube: Dr. Lisa's ROAR Method Tribute. Don't forget to subscribe for even more tips and tools from Dr. Lisa.

Season Two Is Here!

Raw & Real with Dr. Lisa

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Finding Peace During the Holidays: A Holistic Approach to Managing ...

The Impact of Childhood Trauma on Adult Success

Are You Ready to Train for Your Soul’s Purpose?

For many years now, in classes all around the world, people have heard me say, Hi Body, Hi Body, Hi Body, from English to Spanish, to Portuguese, to Turkish and on and on. It's one of my favorite things when I visit another country. I like to learn that phrase in their language even before "where is the bathroom" 😂

On a more serious note, connecting with your body is very rewarding and often avoided. I am a thinker and getting into a routine with my body, my self and my creations took work for awhile and NOW, it's a morning routine that I just can't miss.

I created a 21-Day challenge where I share exactly what I do to Cultivate Energetic Presence with myself and I'm excited to share this with the world. It's available on my newest website, One Degree Shift Academy™.

You've Got This!!! 🩷 just a #onedegreeshift is all it takes.