
What to do to create fun in your relationship.

What to do to create fun in your relationship.


Choose something that brings both of you joy. It doesn't matter what it is.

What I mean by joy is, YES, let's go to that movie, you know, kick back and have popcorn. I don't care if it's in Spanish or if it's an English or subtitles or not, let's just go. Be spontaneous, choose in the moment, just because it's fun. 


Find something that you enjoy celebrating together.

Is it socializing with people? Is it going out to dinner or dressing up and celebrating each other? Is it sharing gratitude for one another? What would it be like to, once a week, sit with each other and share what you are grateful for or something that really stands out about them that you appreciate.


You each choose something and the other person has to try it.

I went to this room with five people that I didn't know and we had to find clues to get us out of the room. This is something that I would never have chosen to do but I did and it was fun. I learned something. Would I do it again, probably not. And if another opportunity comes up, I might consider it. One person gets to choose something and you just go with it. Just to see. You might just learn something.


Learn something new together.

If your partner loves to do something, find out what they love about that. And you share something that you love and engage with it together. Why not?

And five

Do something that's fun for yourself and really support the other person to do something fun for themselves. Take that trip, go somewhere you always wanted to go.

  • You have your time together.
  • You've planned surprises.
  • You each have alone time.
  • You've created curiosity.
  • You have fun and enjoyment together.

These are all random acts that take you out of your daily routine. This adds more fun and it generates interest in each other, new experiences and gives space to receive from each other.


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