From Stuckness to Possibility
Do you feel stuck in your day-to-day life?
I made a decision a very long time ago, that no matter what my trauma, my story, my past, my present, no matter what was going on, I was going to take every situation, find the growth possibility.
So, no matter what is going on for you today, or in any moment, there's always a possibility. There's always a One Degree Shift™ that can change anything from heaviness, density, and stuckness into possibility, generation and creation.
Join me while I show you how to use some of the tools of the ROAR Method® to move from being stuck to possibility.
During this episode I also replied to some of the questions that some of you sent to [email protected] and Instagram @drlisacooney – send me yours for future episodes and I’ll be happy talk about it!
Season Two Is Here!
Raw & Real with Dr. Lisa
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